10 Unmistakable Signs You’ve Had a Past Life

Hello friends, 

Eric Thompson here, 

Today I want to discuss one of the most fascinating topics out there…

Past lives and reincarnation. 

Activating your pineal gland…

Can lead to all sorts of life-changing, spiritual experiences…

One of which is a deeper understanding of your past lifetimes…

And how they might affect you in this life. 

Have you ever felt like an old soul?

Someone who has been here on this planet before? 

Let me know, reply to me. 

Reincarnation and the concept of past lives has been around for centuries…

It originates from ancient India, and is a big part of religions such as…

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. 

Not everyone believes in this idea…

But if you’ve ever had a hunch that you’ve been here before…

This might just pique your interest. 

Understanding who you might have been in a past life…

Can be valuable to your current experience.

Perhaps you have come here again to stop repeating the same lessons.

Problems and challenges you are facing in this lifetime…

Could actually be carried over from a previous life.

Wouldn’t you like to know? 

These are some of the most telltale signs…

That your soul has been here before:

1. Recurring Dreams

Dreams are always a reflection…

Of what’s going on in our conscious and unconscious mind.

If you frequently have repetitive dreams…

Start to pay close attention to the details.

They might be a reflection of your past life.

I have often dreamt of a beautiful meadow…

And an ancient woodland…

I feel sure that I know this place very well…

Yet it is not somewhere I have been in this life.

2. Out-of-place Memories

As children we sometimes have strange memories…

And say things that cannot be explained.

There are many examples of children who have talked of odd memories…

That turn out to be accurate. 

When we are younger we are closer to this time…

As we age, we get conditioned into this life experience…

And we forget.

3. Affinity to Certain Places or Times

If you are strongly drawn to a time and place…

It’s a good indication that you may have lived there before. 

Some people just love everything to do with 16th century France…

Or feel totally at home in a country that is not their own..

Any unexplainable attraction for certain cultures or time periods…

Could be a sort of left over connection…

From your past life in that place or time.

4. Unexplained Fears

If you experience illogical fears…

Such as a fear of water…

Or of driving or being in a car…

Or even if hearing a certain type of music…

Just gives you the creeps.

I have a friend who cannot listen to medieval style music…

She has to leave the room!

I am certain she had a bad experience during those times. 

With no logical reason for the fear…

They could well indicate a traumatic past life experience.

5. Déjà Vu

You know that odd feeling that comes over us out of the blue…

When we just feel like we already lived that moment? 

We’ve nearly all had it at some point. 

Some say that this could reflect the existence of another dimension…

Such as a parallel universe…

Or it could reveal a past life experience. 

A sign that you are reliving a moment…

That you once experienced before. 

6. You Just feel like an Old Soul

Some of us just feel we have been born with an old soul…

Experiencing a maturity and wisdom beyond our years…

Just knowing that we have gone through many lifetimes already.

If you have this intuition…

It’s very likely that you have reincarnated many times over. 

Especially if you feel older than your age reflects.

7. Family and Friend Connections

Your family and close friends or partners…

Are a perfect example of past life connections. 

Often we reincarnate with the same people…

Over and over again. 

Perhaps we choose them for specific reasons..

Or lessons our soul needs to learn. 

Knowing this can be of great help to heal any family wounds…

Or repetitive relationship challenges.

8. Spontaneous Visions

These can occur once your pineal gland is awakened.

They usually come through a dream or a meditation…

Or perhaps a psychic reading or past life regression.

You might get an image of yourself dressed a certain way…

Or see a child or a pet that resonate with you in memory.

The more you practice tuning into these visions…

The more they occur.

9. Drawn to Spirituality

A strong interest in spiritual matters…

Can reveal that you had a past life.

That’s because you feel magnetized…

Towards reconnecting with your soul. 

You crave that connection with yourself…

And you know that there is more to learn. 

10. You are an Empath

Empaths are those gentle souls among us…

Who absorb the emotions of those around them. 

They are those people who feel and experience…

What others are feeling and experiencing.

The reason this may indicate you have had a past life….

Is because it’s a strong sign of an old soul.

One who has been here many times before…

And has evolved and refined to be able to experience this quality…

Relating to others and stepping out of the ego.

Do you relate to any of the above signs?

How about sharing some of your own with me!

I find this topic so fascinating.

And it’s one of the most exciting aspects…

Of activating your pineal gland.

You get to dive deep into these mysteries…

And learn so much more about yourself…

And this wide and wonderful world of ours. 

Until next time friends, 

Stay open and awake…

Eric Thomspon 

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