5 Lies You’ve Been Told About the Third Eye

Hey there, 

Eric Thompson here.

You know, years ago, I was a regular guy…

I was working a day job as a dentist, paying a mortgage, raising two kids with my wife

But something kept bothering me. 

I always felt like there was more to life…

Something I just couldn’t put my finger on.

I used to look at the world and think…

Is this it? Is this really all there is?”

It was only after I learned about fluoride and the pineal gland that I started to dig deeper.

I realized I’d been lied to my whole life…

And I suspect you have been too. 

Especially about something as powerful and mysterious as the third eye…

You know, where the pineal gland resides…

The gateway to our higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual insight.

Today, I’ll reveal the 5 biggest lies you’ve been told about the third eye… 

And what you should believe instead. 

Let’s dive in.

Lie #1: “The Third Eye is a Myth”

Statue face

Have you ever heard people say the third eye is just some hippie mumbo-jumbo

That it’s not real, just a metaphor for being imaginative or creative? 

That’s what I used to think too! 

I mean, we’re taught to believe in what we can see, touch, or measure, right?

But that’s exactly where the lie begins.

Your third eye, also known as the pineal gland, is as real as your heartbeat. 

It’s a tiny gland in your brain, nestled between the two hemispheres…

And it’s been studied by scientists for years. 

But it’s not just a biological phenomenon

This little gland is the doorway to our inner universe

It helps us dream, imagine, and connect with things beyond our five senses. 

Why else do you think ancient cultures, from the Egyptians to the Hindus, were obsessed with it? 

They knew something that we’ve been taught to forget.

The third eye is real and powerful

It’s not a myth.

It’s your personal connection to the unseen, the spiritual, the divine.

Lie #2: “Opening Your Third Eye Is Dangerous”

girl with covered face

This is one I hear all the time…

“Oh, don’t mess with your third eye! It’s dangerous! You’ll see things you don’t want to see!” 

But let me ask you this: 

When did curiosity become dangerous? 

Why are we told not to explore our own consciousness?

This lie is rooted in fear, plain and simple. 

The powers that be don’t want you unlocking your true potential

They want to keep you “safe” in your little box

Believing what you’re told, never asking questions…

Never looking deeper

The truth is, opening your third eye isn’t dangerous.

It’s empowering

It can help you see the world for what it really is

Beyond the illusion that’s been built around you.

Lie #3: “You Need to Be a Spiritual Guru to Open Your Third Eye”

Spiritual Guru to Open Your Third Eye

I’ve met people who believe you must be some kind of enlightened master or spiritual guru to open your third eye. 

Like, only if you’ve meditated on a mountain for twenty years can you even attempt it.

I’m here to tell you that’s absolute nonsense.

I used to think the same thing…

That you needed special training, secret mantras, or fancy retreats to even get started. 

But the truth is, the third eye is for everyone

It doesn’t matter if you’re a dentist from the Midwest (like me), a truck driver, a school teacher, or a stay-at-home parent. 

You can awaken this powerful tool within you.

Your third eye is your birthright, your natural gift.

All you need is the intention to awaken it and a willingness to explore the journey.

Lie #4: “Fluoride Has Nothing to Do with Your Third Eye”

This one gets me fired up

For years, the mainstream narrative has told us that fluoride is perfectly safe

It’s in your water, your toothpaste, even in some of your foods

They say it’s there to protect our teeth

But they don’t tell you what it does to your pineal gland, your third eye.

I didn’t know this either until I did my own research

Fluoride calcifies your pineal gland…

Making it hard and inactive

It essentially closes your third eye…

Preventing you from accessing higher states of awareness and intuition

And they’re putting it in everything.

Makes you wonder why, doesn’t it?

Lie #5: “There’s Nothing You Can Do to Open Your Third Eye”

Specific meditations, breathing techniques

This lie is the most dangerous of all because it makes you feel powerless…

Like there’s nothing you can do to change your circumstances.

The truth is, there are so many ways to open and activate your third eye…

And they’re not difficult or out of reach. 

From simple dietary changes to specific meditations, breathing techniques, and yes, detoxifying from fluoride…

You have the power to reclaim your connection to this incredible part of yourself.

So, you absolutely can open your third eye

Start small, take steps every day, and know that the journey to awakening is within your control.

Wrapping Up

Now, I want to hear from you

Have you been told any of these lies about your third eye

Which one surprised you the most? 

Hit reply and share your thoughts with me. 

Let’s connect and start a conversation.

Stay curious, stay empowered, and keep questioning everything.


Until next time,


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