A New Tale of Healing Sounds

Hey there!

Eric Thompson here.

So, I recently had this fascinating catch-up with an old high school buddy of mine, Scott Smith.

We decided to go for lunch and talk about the good old days…

And you won’t believe the story he shared with me. 

That tale echoed parts of my own experiences in Mexico with healing sounds.

Remember that story?

My Friend Scott

Scott’s just your average Joe…

A quintessential American guy who’s had his fair share of life’s ups and downs. 

Married his high school sweetheart, played baseball…

And lived a life that many would say is right down the middle of the road

Financially, though, like so many of us…

He’s always skating on thin ice, one emergency away from a total meltdown.

And wouldn’t you know it…

The financial strain has been a constant thorn in his side…

Especially in his marriage

Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it?

Monsanto and GMOs

Now, Scott’s lived his whole life in rural New Hampshire…

A place that you wouldn’t typically associate with groundbreaking revelations. 

But here’s where it gets interesting

After college, he landed a job at Monsanto…

A giant in the agri-biotech arena, but also a name that’s been mired in controversy over issues like GMOs…

Harmful pesticides, and not to mention…

Their somewhat imperialistic control over the global seed market.

One day, Scott stumbles upon an email he was never supposed to see

An email that peeled back the curtain on some seriously dark secrets…

Including the toxic legacy of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

Chemicals SO dangerous they’re now banned in most places. 

But here’s the worst part… 

The higher-ups at Monsanto weren’t just sitting on their hands.

They were dabbling in some far-out stuff…

Claiming they could tap into manifestation abilities through our “third eye,” the pineal gland.

Sounds like something out of a sci-fi novel, right? 

A Clandestine Meeting

But as Scott delved deeper, the reality of the situation started to sink in…

Especially after he was threatened to keep quiet about the whole ordeal. 

This led him to a clandestine meeting with a guy named Mike…

Who confirmed everything the email said and more. 

It turns out our entire food chain is riddled with pollutants…

Thanks to decades of industrial disregard for the environment…

With PCBs being the worst of the lot.

But here’s where Scott’s story intersects with my own experiences in Mexico

The Monsanto execs, despite their numerous failings…

Where on to something with the idea of healing through sound

You see… in my time in Mexico…

I’ve encountered a friend with similar beliefs in the power of sound to heal and transform

In fact, indigenous cultures have known this for centuries…

Using chants, drums, and other instruments in their healing rituals.

According to Scott…

Monsanto’s secret labs were experimenting with ultrasound technology to target the pineal gland…

Aiming to reduce the inflammation caused by all the toxins we’re exposed to…

Theoretically unlocking our ability to manifest abundance

They were onto the idea that specific sound frequencies could potentially cleanse our bodies on a cellular level

Particularly the pineal gland…

Which many spiritual traditions identify as the seat of our higher faculties.

Learning to unlock this potential was not an easy task…

They were trying to figure out the right frequencies to use and how to apply them. 

But after much trial and error…

And a fair bit of serendipity…

Scott and Mike discovered that playing two specific soundwave frequencies simultaneously.

Just like my friend in Mexico told me… 

They used earbuds directly into the ears and found out that was the key. 

The results

A series of almost miraculous turnarounds in their fortunes…

From financial windfalls to unexpected opportunities.

Now, I know this all might sound a bit out there

And trust me, I had my doubts too. 

But the more I think about it…

The more I see the parallels with what I’ve witnessed firsthand. 

The idea that sound can influence our physical and spiritual well-being isn’t new…

But the way Scott’s story ties into modern technology…

And the environmental crises we face today give it a whole new dimension.

A Revolutionary Way to Detoxify Our Pineal Gland

I can’t help but feel like we’re on the cusp of something revolutionary…

A convergence of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science. 

Maybe it’s time we start paying more attention to these old healing traditions…

And explore how they might be harnessed to address some of the most pressing issues of our time.

Anyway, that’s enough rambling from me. 

What do you think? 

I’m all ears for any thoughts or experiences you might want to share.

Take care,

Eric Thompson

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