A Turning Point in Our Fight Against Fluoride

Hi there,

Eric Thompson here, 

I’m just back from the wonderful lands of Mexico…

I feel my spirit is rejuvenated, and my motivation is at its peak!

I’m taking the time to simply sit in the quiet of my home…

Surrounded by the calming presence of my plants…

(All thriving in a fluoride-free environment, I might add).

I’ve been catching up on our collective fight against fluoride.

And, folks, we’ve reached a pivotal moment…

That could very well turn the tide in our favor.

🚀 A Milestone Moment in Our Battle Against Fluoride

We’re standing on the brink of a significant breakthrough…

In our long-standing crusade against fluoride’s unchecked presence in our lives. 

The second phase of the fluoride lawsuit is slated to commence on January 29, 2024. 

This isn’t just another date on the calendar.

It’s a symbol of the progress we’ve made and the hurdles we’re poised to overcome.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN), our champion in this legal tangle…

Alongside the formidable opponent that is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Have been locked in a dance of legal proceedings since FAN’s initial petition was rebuffed in 2016. 

Their goal

To shine a light on fluoride as the neurotoxin we’ve long known it to be…

Advocating for its regulation or outright ban under the Toxic Substances Control Act.

🔬 The Unyielding Voice of Science

In developments that read more like a suspense novel than a legal case…

A draft report and a subsequent meta-analysis from the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP)...

Have pierced through the veil of suppression…

And revealed the stark correlation between fluoride exposure and diminished IQ levels in children. 

It’s the kind of revelation that demands attention, that calls for action.

Under the guidance of Michael Connett, FAN’s lead attorney…

These findings have been brought before the court

Underscoring the wealth of data now available to judge fluoride’s impact on our health decisively. 

Yet, the narrative deepens with the exposure of emails that indicate a concerted effort…

To keep these damning reports from the public domain.

🕵️ A Conspiracy of Silence

The saga unfolds as we delve into what appears to be an intricate web of political maneuvering…

And the deliberate stifling of scientific truth

Connett’s dogged pursuit to uncover the motives behind the non-disclosure of the NTP report is not merely admirable.

It’s a vital piece of this complex puzzle

It helps peel back the layers to reveal whether political motives have overshadowed the welfare of the public.

Judge Edward Chen, who stands at the helm of this landmark case…

Has wisely pointed out that the essence of this battle hinges on the science:

The clear, incontrovertible evidence of fluoride’s potential risks. 

Yet, the journey to justice is fraught with obstacles…

Not least of which is the potential dismissal of the NTP’s findings…

As mere drafts by those who wish to dilute their significance.

🗓 A Date with Destiny

Looking ahead, the 4th of May looms large…

A day when the Board of Scientific Counselors (BSC)...

Will unveil their recommendations after their latest scrutiny of the NTP monograph

This moment could pivotally shape the narrative…

Steering us closer to a verdict that could redefine public health policies.

With each document, each testimony, and each scientific review

We edge nearer to a resolution that could vindicate our concerns and catalyze change

This is a collective battle for our right to a life untainted by involuntary fluoride exposure.

🤝 A Call to Arms

I cannot fail to remind you of the strength found in unity…

In the shared resolve of a community that dares to question, to challenge…

And to demand better

This lawsuit transcends the courtroom.

It’s a rallying cry for all of us who cherish health, transparency…

And the right to make informed choices about our well-being.

Let this knowledge serve as a motivation to keep fighting for our rights.

Let’s continue our mission to educate, to enlighten, and to challenge the status quo.

Our crusade against fluoride is a testament to our commitment to a healthier world…

And with each step forward, we’re not just making a statement.

We’re sculpting a legacy.

Until next time,

Eric Thompson

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