Breathwork, the Pineal Gland, and a Journey to the Edge

Hey there,

It’s Eric Thompson here,

I realized that I almost never share with you where I write from…

I am passionate about opening my horizons, not only of my mind…

But also of the world.

Today, I’m writing to you from the heart of Mexico.

I’ve been on quite a journey, both physically and spiritually…

And I wanted to share with you some of the incredible discoveries I’ve made.

I’m currently enjoying a plate of chilaquiles with just the perfect amount of spice

And I immediately thought about the experiences I’ve had with breathwork lately…

And how it relates to the mysterious powers of our pineal gland.

Breathwork isn’t just a practice…

It’s a gateway that can unlock realms within us that we hardly dare to dream of.

It’s here, in the simplicity of our breath, that we find the key to activating the pineal gland…

A tiny, pea-sized gland located in the brain that’s been shrouded in mystery…

And revered by mystics throughout the ages.

Let’s dive in.

DMT and the Pineal Gland

You see, the pineal gland is called the “third eye” for a reason.

It helps us tap into our intuition and connect with the spiritual realm.

But there’s a particular aspect of it that’s truly fascinating…

Its ability to produce DMT (Dimethyltryptamine)…

A powerful psychedelic compound that’s naturally occurring in the body. 

DMT is like the spirit molecule…

A substance that can propel us into profound, life-changing, psychedelic experiences

It’s said that during near-death experiences

The pineal gland releases a surge of DMT, catapulting the soul into other dimensions.

Reports from people who have had near-death experiences have remarkable similarities:

Feelings of leaving the body, encounters with other dimensions

And communication with entities beyond our normal perception. 

These experiences have striking parallels to DMT-induced journeys.

The Power of Breathwork

So, how do we tap into this life-changing journey without finding ourselves on the brink of the afterlife?

Enter breathwork

This ancient practice, which I’ve had the privilege of exploring here in Mexico…

Is a powerful tool for self-exploration and healing

Breathwork involves a series of controlled breathing techniques that alter your state of consciousness…

Guiding you to a place where the boundaries of the self blur and the deeper realms of the psyche are unveiled.

The technique is beautifully simple yet profoundly deep. 

You first need to find a quiet, comfortable space where you can lie down and relax completely. 

Breath work begins with a series of deliberate and focused deep, full inhalations through the nose…

This is followed by full exhalations through the mouth. 

This methodical pattern is designed to cultivate and accumulate energy in the body…

Creating a dynamic internal environment

After a few minutes

The breath acts as a powerful tool

Facilitating a profound shift in your state of consciousness.

This process can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour…

Depending on your personal journey and where the breath wants to take you. 

You can immerse yourself in the process for as long as you feel necessary. 

Allow the natural flow of the breath to guide the journey…

This leads to a state of heightened awareness and inner exploration. 

Through this immersive breathing technique

You can access deeper levels of emotional release and spiritual insight.

As you dive deeper into breathwork…

You might begin to feel a variety of sensations:

Tingling in the limbs, a sense of floating, or even emotional releases as deep-seated blockages come to the surface. 

All of this is normal and expected.

This is your body rewiring, your mind expanding…

And your spirit soaring

It’s in this state that the pineal gland comes under “pressure,” so to speak…

Encouraged by the heightened state of awareness to release DMT…

Thrusting you into experiences that are described as mystical or out-of-body.

Finding Something Eternal Within Us

But why am I so drawn to this practice?

There are deeply rooted spiritual traditions in Mexico.

People here have a strong connection to the earth and the cosmos…

And a group of spiritual seekers helped me unleash the power of my pineal gland.

It really got me thinking about this fast-paced, digital world

It’s so hard to connect to something deeper

Something eternal in us.

Breathwork has opened doors for me that I never knew existed. 

It’s shown me that within each of us…

Lies a universe as vast and as mysterious as the one above us. 

And through the simple act of breathing…

We have the power to explore it, to heal, and to connect with the essence of who we truly are.

Breakfast is over, and I can’t help but watch the people passing by on the street.

Every decision I have made, every mistake, every success has led me here.

A deep sense of gratitude for this journey pervades my soul.

I invite you to explore the depths of your own being through breathwork

It’s a path that requires courage, openness, and a willingness to face the unknown. 

But I promise you, the treasures you’ll find within are worth every step.

Until next time, 

Eric Thompson

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