Can Turmeric & Kumkum Open Your Third Eye?

Hey there,

It’s Eric Thompson back again…

I want to share a fascinating topic that came up during a catch-up with my old college buddy

You know, the one who just returned from an enlightening trip to India.

You may remember from one of our previous chats about the Soul Star Chakra.

Well, my friend didn’t stop there.

He shared another gem from his journey:

A traditional Indian practice that can unlock the spiritual potential of your Third Eye.

Many of you have expressed a keen interest in opening your Third Eye

And believe me…

The intrigue is universal.

People worldwide are trying all sorts of methods to activate this powerful center of intuition and foresight.

Let’s dive into it.

How Long Does it Take to Open The Third Eye?

Opening your Third Eye on your own can be unpredictable.

For some, it may come in a profound moment of clarity or during a deep meditative session.

For others, it may feel like it’s just out of reach

No matter how hard they try.

Trying to figure out how long it takes can be a bit frustrating

Because there’s no clear answer.

But I can tell you this:

If your third eye is calcified, which is unfortunately very common in adults…

It may take a little longer to clear.

The Issue of Calcification

You see, over the years, our Third Eye can become calcified due to various factors…

Notably, fluoride exposure

Which kind of sets up camp there and doesn’t want to leave easily.

This calcification can dim the natural vibrancy and function of the Third Eye

Clouding our spiritual vision.

When your Third Eye begins to awaken from its slumber, trust me…

You’ll know.

People describe it as the experience of opening up to a brighter, more connected world.

Some even say that their whole face seems to radiate what can only be described as grace.

The Ancient Ritual of Turmeric and Kumkum

Now, let’s get back to my conversation with my friend.

He told me about a ritual he observed repeatedly in India.

It involves the application of turmeric and kumkum on the forehead…

Precisely where the Third Eye is said to be located.

Now, you might wonder, why these substances?

Well, turmeric and kumkum are not just vibrant spices…

But are revered for their spiritual significance in Indian culture. 

They are believed to cleanse and stimulate the Third Eye…

Enhancing spiritual awareness and psychic abilities.

How Does It Work?

Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in the medical world. 

But in the spiritual domain…

It’s considered a powerful cleanser that can purify the physical and energetic bodies. 

Kumkum, which is made from turmeric and other ingredients…

Is used during worship and spiritual practices to honor the divine and open the psychic channels.

The ritual is simple yet profound

You mix a little turmeric with water to form a paste…

And apply it to the forehead at the Third Eye point before bedtime

This practice is said to decalcify and activate the Third Eye…

Clearing the path for enhanced intuition and spiritual communication.

Why Try This Ritual?

The decalcification of the pineal gland is a fundamental step towards spiritual health.

I always talk about avoiding fluoride and incorporating certain supplements into your diet…

This ritual can be an enriching addition to your spiritual practices.

It’s a testament to the holistic approach many cultures adopt towards health and spirituality. 

After all, there’s no harm in trying something that has been a part of spiritual rituals for centuries…

Especially when it aligns with our goals of awakening and health.

Combining Old and New Knowledge

Personally, I’ve begun to incorporate this ritual into my nightly routine.

I have found it to be a bridge between ancient wisdom and contemporary spiritual practices. 

It represents a physical act of dedication to our spiritual growth…

And a reminder of the daily steps we can take toward your path of enlightenment.

If you set the intentions right…

You will open your Third Eye…

And allow your beliefs to manifest in your physical and spiritual actions.

But, as always

Approach any new practice with mindfulness

While turmeric and kumkum are generally safe for topical use…

Make sure you’re not allergic and that the products are pure and organic

Start small and see how your body and mind respond.

Final Thoughts

Whether or not you choose to try applying turmeric and kumkum…

Remember that your journey to spiritual awakening is as unique and personal as you are. 

What works for one may not work for another…

And that’s perfectly okay

The key is to remain open to new experiences…

And continue learning and growing in ways that feel right to you.

I’m excited to hear your thoughts on this! 

Have you tried similar practices?

Do you feel they’ve made a difference in your spiritual journey

Let’s keep the conversation going. 

Until next time,

Eric Thompson

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