Category: Health Supplement

  • A Deep Dive Into Your Pituitary & Pineal Glands Plus Chakra Synergy

    A Deep Dive Into Your Pituitary & Pineal Glands Plus Chakra Synergy

    A Deep Dive Into Your Pituitary & Pineal Glands Plus Chakra Synergy Hey there, Remember the newsletter I sent not so long ago… About the relationship between your chakras and endocrine glands?  Well, I’ve been digging even deeper into this topic… And have some more insights to share with you. Let’s dive in, shall we?…

  • How Are Disorders of the Pineal Gland Related to Alzheimer’s Disease?

    How Are Disorders of the Pineal Gland Related to Alzheimer’s Disease?

    How Are Disorders of the Pineal Gland Related to Alzheimer’s Disease? Hey there! It’s Eric Thompson here. As you may have already guessed… I’ve always been knee-deep in the world of medicine. But let me tell you… Even I was floored when I stumbled upon some groundbreaking research… Linking the pineal gland to Alzheimer’s disease…

  • Eco-Spirituality & The Pineal Gland

    Eco-Spirituality & The Pineal Gland

    Eco-Spirituality & The Pineal Gland Hey there, It’s Eric Thompson here…. Tapping away at my keyboard, sitting amidst the greenery of my backyard. Today, I want to share something that’s been on my mind lately: eco-spirituality. Let’s dive in. From Cityscapes to Landscapes My passport’s got stamps from all over… Bustling cities with skyscrapers scratching…

  • Master the Harmony Between Your Gut, Pineal Gland, and Well-being

    Master the Harmony Between Your Gut, Pineal Gland, and Well-being

    Master the Harmony Between Your Gut, Pineal Gland, and Well-being Hey there! It’s Eric here, and man… Do I have a wild story for you.  So, I was hanging out with a doctor buddy of mine… Diving deep into some science talk… When he dropped a bombshell on me that I just gotta share. You…

  • A Dirty Little Secret Behind the Removal of Our Wisdom Teeth: A $3 Billion Industry Severing Our Spiritual Connection

    A Dirty Little Secret Behind the Removal of Our Wisdom Teeth: A $3 Billion Industry Severing Our Spiritual Connection

    A Dirty Little Secret Behind the Removal of Our Wisdom Teeth: A $3 Billion Industry Severing Our Spiritual Connection Hey there, Eric Thompson here. Today, I want to share with you a shocking revelation that I realized not too long ago… This has been gnawing at the edges of all conventional dental practices… And our…

  • A New Tale of Healing Sounds

    A New Tale of Healing Sounds

    A New Tale of Healing Sounds Hey there! Eric Thompson here. So, I recently had this fascinating catch-up with an old high school buddy of mine, Scott Smith. We decided to go for lunch and talk about the good old days… And you won’t believe the story he shared with me.  That tale echoed parts…

  • How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning

    How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning

    How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning Hey there, it’s Eric Thompson here.  Just the other day, I was wandering around the supermarket… And I couldn’t help but feel a sense of… disgust.  And disappointment, honestly. Not at the people or the place itself… But at how every product is marketed to make…

  • Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary for Your Pineal Gland

    Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary for Your Pineal Gland

    Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary for Your Pineal Gland Hey there,  It’s Eric Thompson here. I’ve been in the comfort of my Midwest home for a week now… I’m not used to staying home, though. I love traveling. But now that I’m here…  I’ve been thinking about how our homes are our safety nests.…

  • Unlocking Abundance And Joy With Good Karma Secrets

    Unlocking Abundance And Joy With Good Karma Secrets

    Is life like a boomerang? Consider this… Every action, every word, and even every thought you send out into the world zips through the air…