Hey there,
Let’s talk about something that might surprise you:
Hormones and spirituality.
Specifically, one hormone in particular:
You’ve probably heard of oxytocin as the “love hormone” or the “cuddle chemical.”
It’s the same hormone that floods your system during a warm hug, a heartfelt conversation…
Or even when you see a puppy wagging its tail at you.
But recent studies suggest that oxytocin does more than just make you feel warm and fuzzy…
It might actually play a huge role in spiritual experiences.
I know, I know…
Spirituality and science aren’t always seen as best friends.
But when you dig into the science behind oxytocin and the pineal gland…
You’ll see just how beautifully biology and spirituality can dance together.
Let’s get into it.
Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus and released by the pituitary gland.
It’s responsible for:
It’s why you feel closer to someone after sharing a vulnerable moment.
It’s also why cuddling with your pet feels like an instant mood boost.
But here’s where it gets interesting:
Oxytocin isn’t doesn’t just create physical or emotional closeness…
It also creates spiritual closeness.
Scientists have discovered something fascinating:
Higher oxytocin levels are linked to increased feelings of connection to something greater than oneself.
In one study, participants who received a boost of oxytocin reported:
Think about that for a second.
The same hormone that helps a mother bond with her newborn baby…
It’s also responsible for that “oneness” feeling you might experience during meditation, prayer, or a walk under the stars.
But wait.
It gets better.
You know I couldn’t leave out our good friend, the pineal gland.
This tiny, pinecone-shaped gland deep in your brain has been revered for centuries as the “seat of the soul…”
And the gateway to higher consciousness.
It regulates melatonin, helps manage your sleep cycle…
And plays a key role in your spiritual awareness and intuition.
But did you know that the pineal gland and oxytocin are closely connected?
All of which support a deepened spiritual experience.
When your oxytocin levels rise, it’s almost like your pineal gland gets a little cosmic hug…
Allowing you to access states of higher awareness and divine connection more easily.
Here’s the fun part:
You can naturally increase your oxytocin levels and, by extension, support your pineal gland and spiritual clarity.
Lock eyes with someone you trust…
Such as your partner, a friend, or even yourself in the mirror.
Hold that gaze for at least 1 minute.
Notice the connection deepening and the warmth spreading in your chest.
Write down three things you’re grateful for every day.
Take a moment to feel the gratitude in your body.
Gratitude triggers oxytocin release and brings you into a calm, receptive state…
Perfect for meditation or spiritual reflection.
Hug someone you love (hold it for at least 20 seconds!).
If no one’s around, even placing your hand on your chest and breathing deeply can release oxytocin.
Compliment someone genuinely.
Perform a small act of kindness without expecting anything in return.
Generosity is a powerful oxytocin trigger and creates ripples of positive energy in your environment.
Close your eyes and focus on slow, deep breaths.
With each inhale, visualize a warm golden light filling your chest.
With each exhale, imagine stress and tension melting away.
This practice supports oxytocin release and primes your pineal gland for deeper insight.
Isn’t it incredible how a single hormone can bridge the gap between biology and spirituality?
Oxytocin doesn’t just make you feel good…
It makes you feel connected.
To yourself. To others. To the Universe.
When paired with an activated pineal gland…
Oxytocin can amplify those feelings of oneness and transcendence…
Making your spiritual practices more profound and your connection to the divine more tangible.
Here’s what I want you to do:
Do you feel more connected? Calmer? More in tune with your intuition?
And if you’ve ever had a powerful spiritual moment…
One where you felt truly connected to something bigger…
Ask yourself: “Was oxytocin at play?”
Have you ever had one of those moments where love, gratitude, or stillness cracked you wide open…
And made you feel deeply connected to something bigger?
Maybe during a heartfelt hug, a moment of stillness in nature, or a powerful meditation?
I’d genuinely love to hear your story…
Those little moments hold so much magic.
Hit reply and share your experience with me.
Who knows?
Your story might just inspire someone else on their spiritual journey.
See you next time,
Eric Thompson