Did Jesus Talk About the Pineal Gland?

Hey there,

It’s Eric Thompson here.

You know, for the longest time…

I never really dug deep into religious texts

I mean…

I grew up in a community where church was more about social gatherings than soul-searching

So the spiritual messages went over my head

But then, I stumbled upon something utterly fascinating that changed the way I saw things…

Literally and figuratively.

Did you know that Jesus talked about the pineal gland

Of course, He didn’t use the term “pineal gland.”

Instead, He spoke about an “eye” that sees beyond our limited senses…

What many refer to as our third eye or spiritual eye. 

This discovery got me digging into Jesus’s story

And I want to share what I found with you.

The Third Eye: A Gateway to Spiritual Sight

Jesus said…

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” 

He’s not talking about our physical sight.

He’s referring to our inner vision…

An ability to perceive beyond the physical and connect with something greater. 

Our pineal gland, when healthy…

Communicates with the pituitary gland, which is in control of all the hormones in our body

Imagine the entire body in sync with the universe…

How powerful that is! 

Also, did you know you can squeeze energy up your spine to activate crystals in your pineal gland

This turns you into an antenna to the universe…

Catalyzing supernatural gamma brain waves…

And leading to mystical experiences and yes…

Even spontaneous healing.

Jesus and the Dream State

So, let’s get back to Jesus.

Many mystics have learned to use their Third Eye to tap into a dream state to commune with God. 

In Eastern traditions, this third eye is known as the Ajna, the sixth chakra.

When opened, this chakra leads to enlightenment

Similarly, from a Biblical perspective…

Being “illuminated” with the light of Christ through the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the start of spiritual enlightenment.

Wrestling with God at the Pineal Gland

Let’s talk about a fascinating story from Genesis…

Where Jacob wrestles with God and names the place Peniel…

Saying he saw God face to face and his life was spared

It’s not a coincidence that “Peniel” sounds like “pineal.” 

This story symbolically represents the internal struggle between good and evil…

Right within our pineal gland

Every night, as we lay our heads to rest…

Our soul wrestles with the day’s deeds…

And our spiritual state is under evaluation.

Interesting… Right?

Should You Open Your Third Eye?

Contrary to popular belief…

Every one of us is born with our third eye open

It’s a natural part of our spiritual anatomy…

Which gives us the potential to access profound wisdom and insight from the very beginning of our lives. 


Just like any other part of us, it requires care and attention

Over time…

It can become calloused or calcified

Environmental toxins, societal pressures, and personal choices can all contribute to this gradual closing.

It’s similar to a muscle.

If you don’t use it, you indeed lose it.

Our pineal gland, associated with the third eye…

Is susceptible to calcification from substances like fluoride, as I’ve mentioned in previous emails.

But it’s not irreversible

With clean eating, sun gazing, meditation, and mindful care…

We can decalcify and rejuvenate this gland…

Essentially “reopening” our third eye

You won’t “gain” something new in this process…

But rather reclaim what was always meant to be active.

Jesus has invited us to become like little children in order to inherit the kingdom of heaven

Think about how children view the world…

With wonder, curiosity, and an inherent trust that their needs will be met. 

They are open to new experiences and aren’t clouded by skepticism or doubt

This is how we must approach our spiritual faculties

Children don’t worry about their next meal.

They trust completely that they will be provided for

In a spiritual context…

Opening our third eye is akin to entering a state of complete trust in the divine.

It enables us to believe that our spiritual needs will be taken care of with the same certainty.

Accepting this childlike faith doesn’t mean you have to let go of logic or discernment.

It means integrating our spiritual and rational selves…

Allowing each to function fully and freely

When we do this…

We engage with the world in a fuller, more meaningful way

We can see beyond the immediate realities to the deeper truths…

Connecting with others and the universe in a way that brings us peace and understanding.

Opening your third eye, therefore…

Doesn’t mean you’ll acquire supernatural powers or disrupt the natural order of things. 

Instead, it can help you return to a state of openness where you can experience the world more fully…

Without the filters that life experiences have imposed

The Truth About the Third Eye

Opening your third eye is a divine gift that allows you to see into the spirit realm…

And discern what is of light and what is of darkness

The prophets were known as Seers because they could see what God was doing. 

Their spiritual vision allowed them to navigate the world with divine insight.

If you’ve ever felt a call to explore deeper, to see with more than just your physical eyes…

Take this as a sign to do so.

The wisdom that Jesus and many others have shared about the spiritual eye is deeply empowering

Let it guide you to connect with the divine

And see the world as it truly is, full of light and possibility.

Stay curious,

Eric Thompson

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