Exciting News: CDC Admits Fluoride Is Poison

Hey there,

Greetings from the beautiful Netherlands

I hope this newsletter finds you well. 

As many of you know, I’ve been spending some time here.

I just wanted to connect with a more natural lifestyle, and I decided to do it on a charming farm. 

The experience has been nothing short of… healing

The lush greenery, the fresh air, and the simplicity of farm life have brought me closer to nature.

And, in turn, closer to my true self

It’s incredible how living in harmony with the environment can bring such clarity and peace.

Living on this farm has been a blessing

I wake up each morning to the sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves

My days are filled with tending to the garden, feeding the animals, and enjoying the bounty of fresh, organic produce

I am more connected to the rhythm of my body and less engaged with the workings of my mind.

It’s a far cry from the hustle and bustle of city life…

And it’s exactly what I needed to reconnect with my spiritual and physical well-being.

Exciting News

But today, I want to share some exciting and frankly alarming news about fluoride that you need to hear. 

Recently, the CDC has finally admitted that fluoride is a poison

Yes, you read that correctly

This revelation comes courtesy of our friends at the Fluoride Free Alliance UK

Highlighted by Theresa Bell in a forward from Alternative Medicine

This acknowledgment is monumental and vindicates what we’ve been saying for years.

The Fluoride Free Alliance UK

For those unfamiliar, the Fluoride Free Alliance UK is a dedicated group that works tirelessly to expose the dangers of fluoride…

And promote safer alternatives

They are constantly spreading awareness and advocating for our health and well-being. 

The admission by the CDC is a significant victory…

But it also highlights the importance of continuing to educate ourselves and others about the harmful effects of fluoride.

Fluoride is a neurotoxin

It has numerous negative health effects, including lower IQ, higher prevalence of ADHD in children…

And various hormone issues in both men and women

Despite these well-documented dangers…

The government insists on dumping this waste fertilizer product into our drinking water

It’s okay, though—they’re doing it to prevent cavities

(Insert heavy sarcasm here.) 

The truth is, their actions are far more sinister and profit-driven than they care to admit.

The Truth About Fluoride

Let’s dive deeper into the truth about fluoride

This harmful substance has been quietly wreaking havoc on our health for decades. 

It all started in the mid-20th century…

When Nazi scientists added fluoride to the water in concentration camps to make people more docile and easier to control

After World War II, many of these scientists were brought over to the US under Operation Paperclip

And the use of fluoride in our water supply began. 

The first city to fluoridate its water was Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1945, the same year the war ended.

So why would the government continue to use a known neurotoxin in our water supply? 

You won’t like the answer

Fluoride’s primary way of causing damage is by calcifying the pineal gland…

A tiny but powerful gland in our brain. 

This gland, referred to as the third eye, plays a crucial role in our sleep patterns…

Blood pressure regulation, bone health, and reproductive hormone production.

When the pineal gland becomes calcified due to fluoride exposure…

Its functions are severely impaired

This not only affects our physical health…

Leading to issues like disrupted sleep and hormone imbalances…

But it also hinders our spiritual growth

The pineal gland is our connection to higher states of consciousness and spiritual insight

Fluoride effectively shuts down our intuitive and psychic abilities…

Making us easier to control.

A More Natural Lifestyle

Living a natural lifestyle can maintain the health of our pineal gland and, by extension…

Our overall well-being. 

Here on the farm, I’ve been drinking pure, fluoride-free water…

Eating organic foods…

And immersing myself in nature

These simple yet powerful changes have made a world of difference

I feel more connected to my higher self…

More in tune with my intuition…

And more at peace than ever before.

The importance of a natural lifestyle cannot be overstated

I warmly invite you to reduce your exposure to harmful substances like fluoride…

And embrace a more holistic approach to health.

That way, we can keep our pineal gland in optimal shape.

This, in turn, enhances our spiritual connection and allows us to tap into our innate psychic gifts.

I want to leave you with a call to action

Now that the truth about fluoride is coming to light…

It’s up to us to take steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones

Educate yourself about the sources of fluoride in your environment and find ways to reduce your exposure. 

Consider using a water filter that removes fluoride…

Choose fluoride-free toothpaste…

And support initiatives that advocate for the removal of fluoride from our water supply.


This is a critical time for all of us. 

The government’s acknowledgment of fluoride as a poison is a significant step…

But the fight is far from over. 

We must remain vigilant and proactive in our efforts to protect our health and our spiritual well-being.

Have you heard about this news? What do you think about it?

I’m feeling more optimistic, but I’d like to hear your thoughts.

Just hit reply and let me know. 

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. 

Stay tuned for more updates and information.

Warm regards,

Eric Thompson

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