Fluoride, Your Pineal Gland, and Child Development

Hey there,

It’s Eric Thompson here.

Today, I’ve got some eye-opening news for you…

Straight from a recent study that might just blow your mind…

And not in a good way.

Maternal Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior

Let’s start with the basics

A recent study published in JAMA Network Open has revealed some alarming findings about prenatal fluoride exposure

The study focused on mothers in Los Angeles and found that higher fluoride levels during pregnancy…

Just like you don’t jump out of bed right away… 

Your mornings become slower, more intentional. 

You might start with some quiet time, meditation, or just sitting with your thoughts. It’s your daily ‘wake-up’ call for your spirit.

Here’s the kicker: 

This quiet time isn’t just nice, it’s necessary. 

It’s like charging your phone…

You’re powering up for the day ahead.

Were linked to increased neurobehavioral problems in their children by the age of three. 

Sounds like a plot twist in a bad sci-fi movie, right? 

But unfortunately, it’s real.

Researchers measured fluoride levels in the urine of pregnant women…

And then assessed their children’s behavior using the Preschool Child Behavior Checklist.

The results?

Kids with higher prenatal fluoride exposure had more issues like emotional reactivity, anxiety, and somatic complaints…

(Fancy talk for physical symptoms caused by emotional distress).

In simpler terms, these kids were more likely to be on edge, anxious, and physically uncomfortable.

The Pineal Gland Connection

Now, you might be wondering, “Eric, what’s this got to do with the pineal gland?” 

Great question! 

The pineal gland, that tiny powerhouse in your brain…

Is responsible for regulating sleep patterns, hormone levels, and even our spiritual connectivity

Fluoride, however, is like a villain in an action movie.

It sneaks into our systems and, well, wreaks havoc.

When fluoride gets into our bodies, it tends to accumulate in the pineal gland…

Which leads to its calcification

This means the gland gets covered in a layer of calcium deposits

Which messes with its function

Imagine trying to see through a window covered in grime…

That’s your pineal gland on fluoride.

Why Should You Care?

So, why should you, a busy person with a million things on your plate, care about this tiny gland

Well, the pineal gland is referred to as the “third eye” for a reason.

It’s not just about physical health but also about spiritual well-being

When it’s functioning properly, it helps us connect to our higher selves…

Enhances our intuition, and even supports psychic abilities.

But when it’s clogged up with fluoride…

It’s like trying to tune into your favorite radio station but only getting static.

A Sneaky Conspiracy?

Here’s where things get a bit conspiratorial (but stay with me). 

The government has been adding fluoride to our water since 1945, supposedly to prevent dental caries.

But what if there’s more to the story

Fluoride’s ability to dull the mind and make people more docile was first explored by…

You guessed it.

Nazi scientists during World War II. 

They used it to control prisoners in concentration camps.

After the war, some of these scientists were brought to the US under Operation Paperclip

Coincidence? I think not.

Adding fluoride to the water supply started in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the same year the war ended. 

The timing is too perfect to ignore.

What Can You Do?

Alright, enough of the doom and gloom

Let’s talk solutions

You don’t have to sit back and let fluoride take over your life and health

Here’s a game plan to detoxify your pineal gland and protect your children from the harmful effects of fluoride:

1. Switch to fluoride-free toothpaste and drink filtered water.
There are plenty of water filters available that can remove fluoride. Your pineal gland will thank you!

2. Incorporate foods that help detoxify your body, like turmeric, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory…

And foods rich in antioxidants like berries and leafy greens.

3. Spend some time each day basking in the early morning or late afternoon sun.

This can help activate and decalcify your pineal gland. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get outside and enjoy nature.

4. Meditation can help you tune into your third eye and keep your pineal gland healthy.

It’s like giving your brain a soothing massage.

5. Knowledge is power. Stay informed about the substances you’re exposed to and make conscious choices for your health and well-being.

A Personal Note

I’ve been down this rabbit hole myself. 

Remember I was a dentist not that long ago…

I used to advocate for fluoride until a patient opened my eyes to its dangers. 

Since then, I’ve dedicated my life to spreading the truth about fluoride…

And helping people like you detoxify their pineal glands.

But don’t just take my word for it. 

Do your own research, read the studies, and make up your own mind. 

I’m here to guide you, but the power is in your hands.

Final Thoughts

Your pineal gland is more than just a tiny part of your brain.

It’s your connection to the divine, your inner compass guiding you through life. 

Don’t let fluoride dull its sparkle

Take action today and join the movement for better health and spiritual awakening.

Hit the Reply button and share with me other strategies for detoxing your pineal gland! 

We are all in this together and your insights are gold for me and for everyone.


Eric Thompson

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