Fluoride, Your Pineal Gland, and the War on Consciousness

Hey there,

Eric Thompson here.

Today, I’m writing to you from one of my favorite places in the entire world.

The Argentinian Patagonia.

I’m visiting some old, good friends who live in the mountains…

Surrounded by a beautiful and peaceful lake.

And let me tell you…

Experiencing the end of summer in March is an absolute mind-bender

But it’s not just the flip in seasons that’s got my head spinning

Being here, so far from the hustle and bustle of my daily life in the US…

I can truly feel a connection with my inner self

Something that only nature can inspire.

So let me tell you a bit more about my friends…

Way back when I was just a 20-year-old with a backpack and more dreams than dollars…

I landed right in the heart of Latin America

Honestly, I was just figuring things out as I went along.

One day, after what felt like miles of trekking, I found this cozy little village

It was like stepping into another world…

A world where the air was clearer and time moved a bit slower.

I remember stumbling into this café that looked like it hadn’t changed in decades. 

The smell of coffee hit me like a warm hug…

And that’s where I met Ana and Luis

They were like me.

Young souls drawn to the adventure and magic of unknown places. 

We clicked instantly. 

It was one of those rare moments when you meet people and feel like you’ve known them forever

We spent hours in that café, talking about everything from the mysteries of ancient civilizations…

To why the best empanadas are always found in the least expected places.

Fast forward to today…

Here we are, still thick as thieves.

And the timing couldn’t have been more perfect

They’ve just welcomed a new soul into this world…

A beautiful baby…

And witnessing this miracle of life has been nothing short of magical. 

That’s when they mentioned something that struck a chord with me…

Remember that delicate soft spot on top of every baby’s head?

Well, it is more than just a vulnerable place.

The Evolutionary Journey of the Third Eye

This got me thinking about our connection to the universe…

And how this soft spot it’s actually the original third eye

A gateway to higher consciousness that we all possess.

It’s fascinating to consider that this soft spot…

So tender when we are newborns…

Is where our deepest intuition and psychic abilities once flourished most vividly.

Melatonin, Sunlight, and the Pineal Gland

Did you know? 

Children have the highest levels of melatonin…

Thanks to their vibrant, active pineal glands

This “third eye” isn’t just a metaphor.

It’s an important part of our being that regulates sleep

Influences our hormonal balance…

And connects us to our psychic abilities

But when we cover our heads with a cap or hat…

When we shield ourselves from the sun’s rays…

We’re inadvertently dampening this connection.

Sun Gazing and Decalcification

Ancient practices like sun gazing weren’t just for the spiritually adventurous. 

They were onto something…

The power of the sun to energize and decalcify our pineal glands…

To free us from the chains of fluoride-induced slumber. 

Not only does the sun increase our dose of vitamin D

It also reawakens the universe’s vibrations

And allow us to detoxify our third eye from fluoride…

You know, that substance that seeks to cloud our vision and dull our connection to the divine.

The Pineal Gland: Our Inner GPS

Consider this.

In certain marine animals…

The pineal gland constitutes up to 50% of their brain mass

Acting as a potent detector of electromagnetic disturbances

It’s their built-in GPS.

It guides them through the vast oceans

Now, think about what happens when our own internal compass is disrupted…

For example, by the ping of Wi-Fi signals

Or the technological smog that clouds our cities. 

We become disconnected…

Reliant on external devices…

And forget that the most powerful guidance system lies within us.

The Battle Against Fluoride

Let’s rewind and get back to talking about fluoride

The silent aggressor

It’s added to our water, our toothpaste…

Even our medications…

Under the guise of “dental health.” 

Yet, it ends up calcifying our pineal glands…

Which keeps us tethered to a lower state of consciousness


Because a population in the dark is easier to control…

Less likely to question…

Less inclined to ascend beyond the base frequencies that bind us.

How to Reclaim Our Crown and Third Eye?

Just as the energy flows through our crown chakra

Exchanging vital cosmic information

We, too, can reclaim this connection. 

When you decalcify your pineal gland

You can reopen the channels to your higher self

To the psychic abilities that allow you to “see” beyond the veil of physical reality.

A Call to Action

So, what can we do? 

First, educate ourselves and those around us about the true impact of fluoride. 

Second, let the sunlight (especially at dawn and dusk) bathe our third eye…

And also, engage in the many practices I’ve previously shared that support decalcification.

Most importantly…

We should never forget to question the narrative…

Challenge the status quo…

And reconnect with our innate powers.

Closing Thoughts

Something about the crisp Patagonian air reminds me of the resilience of the human spirit…

Of our unbreakable connection to the earth and also the cosmos

I truly believe that together…

We can awaken from the slumber…

Decalcify our pineal glands…

And step into a world of limitless possibilities.

Until next time, 


Eric Thompson

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