Fluoride’s Dark Secret

Hey there,  

It’s Eric Thompson here, 

I found more shocking news today…

The potential connection between fluoride in our drinking water and increased cancer mortality.

Now, I know this might sound a bit intense, but stick with me. 

I’m going to break it down for you, share some eye-opening research…

And even throw in a few personal anecdotes to keep things real.

Dr. Burk's Concerns

First off, let’s talk about Dr. Dean Burk

A former National Cancer Institute scientist who raised some serious red flags about fluoride. 

Dr. Burk spent years studying the correlation between fluoride in drinking water and cancer deaths

He found that communities with artificially fluoridated water showed a notable increase in cancer mortality…

Compared to those without such measures

Think about that for a second. It’s a pretty big deal, right?

Dr. Burk’s concerns weren’t just based on a hunch

He cited “extensive time-trend mortality data” to back up his claims. 

In various conferences and interviews, he argued that this posed a significant public health risk

If you’re curious, there’s a video titled “Dr. Dean Burk Fluoride Causes Cancer

That delves deeper into his findings

It’s worth a watch if you want to get into the nitty-gritty of his research.

I’m so passionate about this topic for many reasons.

My Paradigm Crash

Let me take you back to my early days as a dentist.

I was passionate about my career.

I spent years putting fluoride on my patients’ teeth and recommending fluoride toothpaste. 

Like most dentists, I was taught that fluoride was a good thing…

Something that would protect teeth and promote oral health. 

I thought it was good and harmless, of course.

But then, a patient told me something that turned my world upside down

He talked about the neurotoxic effects of fluoride…

And at first, I thought he was off his rocker

But this information really itched me… and curiosity got the better of me.

That’s when I started doing my own research.

What I found was shocking

Everything I had been taught about fluoride was a lie

It caused massive cognitive dissonance that crashed my world.

I didn’t what to do or even who I was.

Being a dentist was really part of my identity.

But once I discovered the truth, there was no turning back.

I knew I couldn’t keep it to myself

I started traveling, exploring holistic spiritual and health practices…

And discovered a whole new paradigm of health

It was like a light bulb went off in my head. 

I knew I needed to get this information out there.

I felt so bad about recommending fluoride for so many years…

That I know wanted to help people detoxify and decalcify their pineal glands…

And to protect their health from the harmful effects of fluoride.

So, here we are. 

Let’s get back to the science for a moment.

The Link Between Fluoride and Cancer

Research by Chlubek and Sikora highlights that both calcification and accumulation of fluoride in the pineal gland…

Can result in melatonin deficiency

Melatonin, as you may know, is critical for regulating sleep and other important systems that keep us healthy

When the pineal gland is calcified, it can’t function properly…

Which leads to a host of health issues beyond just dental concerns.

People in areas with high fluoride concentrations in drinking water are particularly at risk.

This is especially true for the elderly, who are more vulnerable due to the cumulative nature of fluoride exposure

Over time, this exposure can exacerbate degenerative diseases and increase cancer mortality…

As Dr. Burk’s research suggests.

The Ohio River Valley Case

Let’s take a look at the Ohio River Valley as an example. 

Fluoride levels in drinking water vary across this region…

With concentrations in raw water ranging from non-detectable levels to 3.58 mg/L. 

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets the maximum contaminant level for fluoride in public drinking water at 4 mg/L…

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends an optimal fluoride concentration for dental health at 0.7 mg/L. 

In Ohio, approximately 92.5% of the population served by public water systems receives fluoridated water…

Ranking the state 10th in the nation for water fluoridation coverage.

Organizations like the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) monitor and regulate these levels to ensure public safety

They conduct regular water quality assessments and publish weekly reports on conditions along the Ohio River. 

These efforts are meant to keep fluoride within safe and beneficial limits for the local population.

However, while fluoride is recognized for its dental health benefits…

The broader impacts on health, including potential links to cancer and effects on the pineal gland…

Shows that it is important to reevaluate public health policies regarding fluoride exposure. 

The claims of Dr. Burk and the findings of Chlubek and Sikora require careful evaluation of fluoride use.

Knowledge is Power

So, why am I sharing all of this with you? 

Because I believe that knowledge is power

I want you to have all the information you need to make informed decisions about your health. 

The pineal gland is referred to as the “third eye,” and when it’s functioning properly…

It can enhance your intuition and spiritual connection.

After learning the truth about fluoride…

It has become my life’s mission to share this information with as many people as I can.

I want you to be able to protect yourself, your family, and your friends with this powerful information.

I can’t let the government interfere with our God-given right to have vibrant health and connect with the Divine.

My world clashed when I learned the truth…

But I like what Nietzsche once said:

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed

I preferred to have my illusions destroyed if it could help me make a positive difference in the world.

I’m really curious to read what you think of all of this.

Hit the reply button and share your experiences with me.

A strong sense of community will help us win the battle against fluoride.

See you next time,

Eric Thompson

P.S. Don’t forget to check out that video of Dr. Dean Burk—it’s a real eye-opener!

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