How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning

Hey there, it’s Eric Thompson here. 

Just the other day, I was wandering around the supermarket…

And I couldn’t help but feel a sense of… disgust

And disappointment, honestly.

Not at the people or the place itself…

But at how every product is marketed to make us believe in health and happiness that’s nothing more than a facade. 

Bright colors, big smiles, and promises of a better you…

It’s all a carefully crafted illusion. 

And you know what

Everyone seems to buy into that image without questioning what’s really behind it. 

This got me thinking about a much bigger issue: 

The way the masses have been manipulated to accept fluoride poisoning.

Yes, poisoning.

It’s not like they outright told us it was good for us from the get-go

No, they were far more cunning than that. 

Edward Bernay's Role in Controlling the Population

Have you heard about Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud’s nephew?

They enlisted him to sell the American public on the idea. 

Bernays, the man who literally wrote the book on propaganda

Showed corporate giants how to use crowd psychology and media

To control the population’s beliefs and desires.

Yup, exactly what you read.

Bernays believed that by tapping into people’s basic motivations…

Such as self-preservation, aggression, security, and sex…

You could influence them to do almost anything

And I mean… Anything.

How Consumer Culture Was Born

And so, he used these insights to get women smoking…

Branding cigarettes as symbols of power and sex appeal

And essentially birthed consumer culture as we know it.

Now, when it came to fluoride, the same principles applied. 

Bernays and his techniques of manipulation were employed by big corporations…

Like the Aluminum Company of America

To convince us that adding fluoride to our water was a groundbreaking move for public health. 

The reality

It was a convenient way for them to dispose of toxic waste without facing the costs.

This narrative of fluoride as a dental miracle was pushed onto the public…

Concealing the fact that fluoride was, and still is, a potent neurotoxin

It’s been linked to a myriad of health issues…

From IQ loss to hormone disruption

Yet, the campaign to fluoridate water was sold to us as a necessity for our well-being

Exploiting our trust and exploiting our health.

The "engineering of consent."

The true genius – or horror – of Bernays’ work lies in the concept of the “engineering of consent.” 

He believed that if you could understand and manipulate the group’s mind…

You could control the masses without them even knowing. 

It’s a chilling thought…

Especially when you consider how this approach has been used to justify the fluoridation of our water supply.

So, what’s the big deal with fluoride, anyway? 

Well, it all comes down to its impact on the pineal gland, our “third eye…” 

Which fluoride is known to calcify it.

This calcification hinders our hormonal balance, sleep patterns, and even our spiritual connection

It’s no wonder that some dentists…

Those who dared to question the official narrative faced severe repercussions.

The manipulation doesn’t stop at fluoride. 

It’s just one thread in a larger web of deceit…

Where science is bought and sold to the highest bidder

And the health of the public is sacrificed on the altar of corporate profit

From tobacco to DDT, and now fluoride…

We’ve been sold lies packaged as scientific truth.

But here’s the kicker: the rest of the world isn’t buying it

Many countries have rejected fluoridation.

Nearly all of Western Europe, accounting for 98%, has decided against the practice of fluoridation. 

The list of countries making this choice includes Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany…

Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, as well as almost all of Switzerland (97%)…

And the vast majority of the United Kingdom (90%).

They’ve recognized its risks and ineffectiveness

Yet, here we are…

In a country that prides itself on freedom and intelligence…

But still clinging to outdated, harmful practices.

It’s Time to Wake Up

It’s time to wake up and smell the propaganda

It’s time to question the motives behind the messages we’re fed…

And take back control of our health and our minds. 

The story of fluoride is a cautionary tale…

A reminder that we must remain vigilant and critical of the “invisible governmentBernays warned us about.

So, what can you do? 

Educate yourself, question everything…

And don’t be afraid to stand against the tide. 

It’s not just a fight against fluoride.

It’s a fight to reclaim our right to make informed choices about our health and our lives.

Catch you next time,

Eric Thompson

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