Is Your Lipstick Blocking Your Third Eye?

Hey there,

I’ll be honest with you:

I don’t know a ton about makeup

I mean, my daily routine consists of brushing my teeth (fluoride-free, of course)…

And splashing some water on my face. 

So, I’m not exactly the guy to give advice on contouring or picking the perfect shade of lipstick

But recently, I stumbled across something interesting.

You see, while I was researching the usual suspects…

You know, the fluoride in our water, the toxins in our air, etc…

And I found out that some beauty products might be working against us. 

And not in the “oops, I chose the wrong shade” kind of way…

But in a “calcifying your pineal gland” kind of way. 

Yeah, I know. 

As if we needed another reason to be paranoid about our morning routine!

So, let me ask you: 

Have you ever wondered what’s really in your favorite foundation, moisturizer…

Or that ultra-glossy lip balm you can’t live without?

What if I told you that some of those products could be doing a number on your third eye

What’s Hiding in Your Makeup Bag?

Alright, I’ll admit it.

I don’t have a makeup bag.

But I did a little digging into what’s in yours. 

And what I found was shocking.

Turns out…

Some popular beauty products contain chemicals that might actually be contributing to the calcification of your pineal gland. 

Yes, the very same pineal gland we’ve been fighting to keep fluoride-free.

Ingredients like aluminum powder, parabens, and certain synthetic fragrances…

Can sneak their way into your favorite products, and once absorbed through the skin…

They can slowly make their way to that precious little gland in your brain. 

Aluminum Powder: Not Just in Your Deodorant

First up on our list of usual suspects: aluminum powder

This one is a common ingredient in many cosmetics…Particularly in eyeshadows, blushes, and nail polishes.

Woman choosing nail polish

It gives products that sparkly, shimmery effect.

But aluminum has been linked to all kinds of nasty stuff…

Including neurological problems. 

And get this:

It can contribute to the calcification of the pineal gland.

If you put this stuff on every day…

It might be time to consider alternatives

Do we really need glittery eyelids if it’s going to mess with our spiritual radar

Something to ponder, right?

Parabens: The Sneaky Preservers

Now, let’s talk about parabens

These are preservatives found in a TON of beauty products

From shampoos to lotions to makeup

They prevent bacteria from growing in our products…

Which sounds like a good thing until you realize they can mimic estrogen in the body and disrupt your endocrine system.

And guess which tiny gland is part of your endocrine system

Yep, the pineal gland.

Parabens could lead to calcification, and if you’re like me…

You want to keep your third eye as crystal clear as a mountain spring.

Synthetic Fragrances: More Than Just a Pretty Smell

Then there are those synthetic fragrances.

Woman enjoying perfumes

Oh, they smell delightful, don’t they? 

Fresh lavender, vanilla, ocean breeze…

Just makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. 

But these fragrances can be made up of dozens of undisclosed chemicals…

Some of which are known to be toxic.

Have you ever wondered why they don’t just tell us what’s in these fragrances

Probably because it’s easier to market “Morning Mist” than “a chemical cocktail that might calcify your pineal gland.”

So, What’s a Beauty Lover to Do?

I get it. 

You don’t want to toss out all your favorite products…

And I’m not saying you have to go barefaced and au naturel all the time (although, you’re beautiful just as you are!). 

But maybe it’s time to start thinking about what’s in these products…

And how they could be affecting your health and your spiritual well-being.

Consider looking for makeup and skincare that’s free from these harmful chemicals. 

There are a lot of great brands out there that prioritize clean, non-toxic ingredients. 

Look for products labeled “aluminum-free,” “paraben-free,” and “fragrance-free.” 

Your pineal gland will thank you, and so will your skin.

Alternatives That Love Your Third Eye

Here are some safer options you can explore:

Mineral-Based Makeup

Go for brands that use natural minerals without any added aluminum

Your sparkle will be just as bright, I promise.

Organic and Natural Skincare

drops of serum

Brands that use natural preservatives (like rosemary extract or grapefruit seed extract) instead of parabens.

Fragrance-Free Products

Or at least those with natural essential oils instead of synthetic fragrances. 

Trust me, they smell just as good, and they won’t sneak attack your pineal gland.

Let’s Talk About It

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. 

Have you ever wondered what’s in your makeup bag

Have you noticed any effects since switching to natural products? 

Hit reply and share your experiences.

Let’s get a conversation going!

At the end of the day, it’s not just about looking good…

It’s about feeling good and staying connected to our highest selves.


Stay beautiful (inside and out),

Eric Thompson

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