Mothers Exposed to Fluoride

Hey there,

It’s Eric Thompson here.

I hope you’re doing well

As many of you know…

I’m a proud uncle with lots of nieces and nephews running around. 

They’re a big part of my life…

And I always worry about their health and well-being

Recently, I came across some information that has me more concerned than ever…

About the impact of fluoride on our children’s health

I stumbled upon a study that has really opened my eyes…

And I feel it’s my duty to share this with you.

The Risk of Fluoride During Pregnancy

A new study has found something truly alarming

Pregnant women with higher levels of fluoride in their bodies…

Give birth to children who have a higher risk of neurological-based behavioral problems. 

Let that sink in for a moment

This isn’t just about a few kids here and there.

I’m talking about a significant finding that affects families across the United States.

The study highlights that prenatal fluoride exposure…

Can double the risk of having children with clinical behavioral issues

This is the first study to look specifically at the U.S. population

And how prenatal fluoride exposure impacts children’s neurobehavioral outcomes. 

The results are nothing short of shocking.

In this cohort study of 229 pregnant women and their children…

Researchers found that a slight increase in maternal urinary fluoride during pregnancy…

Was associated with nearly double the odds of children having neurobehavioral problems

This means that even a seemingly small amount of fluoride…

Can have a significant impact on the developing brains of our children.

Why is this so important?

Well, previous research out of Canada and Mexico…

Has already indicated that children exposed to fluoride in the womb have poorer neurodevelopment characteristics

Compared to those who aren’t exposed

This new study confirms that the same risks apply to children in the U.S.

Which emphasizes the need for urgent action.

The researchers conducted their study by analyzing urine samples from over 200 pregnant women

To measure fluoride levels. 

They then assessed the children’s neurobehavioral aptitude using the Preschool Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)…

Which includes scores for Total Problems, Internalizing Problems

And Externalizing Problems

The results showed a clear positive correlation between fluoride exposure in pregnant mothers…

And neurological behavioral issues in their children.

This prospective cohort study… 

Found that prenatal fluoride exposure was associated with increased neurobehavioral problems. 

These findings suggest a pressing need to establish recommendations for limiting fluoride exposure during pregnancy…

To protect our children’s developing brains.

It’s disturbing to learn that even fluoride levels that are below those used in U.S…

Water fluoridation can cause brain damage in children. 

Recent studies in Mexico and Canada have shown that lower levels of fluoride exposure…

Are associated with lower IQ, increased ADHD symptoms, poorer executive function…

And other neurodevelopmental issues in children. 

A systematic review by the National Toxicology Program also reported that higher fluoride exposure…

Is consistently linked to lower IQ in children.

Why Fluoride Has Been Added to Our Communities?

For decades…

Fluoride has been added to community drinking water systems in the U.S. to prevent dental caries

Currently, 73% of the U.S. population receives fluoridated water at a targeted concentration of 0.7 mg/L

While this practice was initially intended to improve dental health…

The growing body of evidence suggests that it comes with significant risks to our children’s neurological development.

The researchers behind this study didn’t call for an immediate end to water fluoridation…

But they did stress the importance of limiting fluoride consumption for pregnant women. 

Their findings suggest that there is a need to establish guidelines for reducing exposure to fluoride

From all sources during the prenatal period

This is crucial because the developing brain is particularly vulnerable to environmental toxins during this time.

Given the alarming results of this study…

It’s clear that we need to take action to protect our children. 

One way to do this is by using water filters that can remove fluoride from your drinking water. 

Lots of people have been reporting on the harmful effects of fluoride for years…

And we offer water filters specifically designed to eliminate this toxic substance from your water supply.

As a parent or caregiver…

You have the power to make informed decisions that can significantly impact your child’s health and future

By being proactive about reducing fluoride exposure

You can help ensure that your child’s brain develops as it should…

Free from the harmful effects of this neurotoxin.

In Closing

It’s heartbreaking to think that something as simple as drinking water…

Could pose such a threat to our children’s health

But the evidence is clear…

And it’s up to us to take the necessary steps to protect them. 

I know this information can be overwhelming, but remember…

Knowledge is power

Stay informed and take proactive steps.

That way, we can all make a difference. 

Let’s work together to create a safer, healthier future for our children.

Stay safe and be well,

Eric Thompson

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