
A Dirty Little Secret Behind the Removal of Our Wisdom Teeth: A $3 Billion Industry Severing Our Spiritual Connection
A Dirty Little Secret Behind the Removal of Our Wisdom Teeth: A $3 Billion Industry Severing Our Spiritual...
A New Tale of Healing Sounds
A New Tale of Healing Sounds Hey there! Eric Thompson here. So, I recently had this fascinating...
How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning
How The Masses Were Manipulated to Accept Fluoride Poisoning Hey there, it’s Eric Thompson...
Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary for Your Pineal Gland
Transform Your Home into a Sanctuary for Your Pineal Gland Hey there,  It’s Eric Thompson...
Unlocking Abundance And Joy With Good Karma Secrets
Is life like a boomerang? Consider this… Every action, every word, and even every thought you send out...
Mastering The Art Of Intention Setting And Manifestation For A Life Of Fulfillment
Have you ever paused, looked up at the vast sky, and pondered… “Am I truly in control of your destiny?”...
Embracing Imperfection Is The Key To Awakening Your Third Eye??
Ever felt trapped in the pursuit of perfection? That was me. Always striving to create the perfect life.
A Turning Point in Our Fight Against Fluoride
A Turning Point in Our Fight Against Fluoride Hi there, Eric Thompson here,  I’m just back from...
Does the Moon Affect the Pineal Gland?
Does the Moon Affect the Pineal Gland? Last night, it wasn’t that cold, so I went to the beach… And...
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