Remote Viewing: A Superpower You Can Start Developing Today

Hey there, it’s Eric Thompson

You know, when I was a kid and people asked me what superpower I wanted…

I always said, “remote viewing.” 

The idea of seeing things happening far away…

Of knowing secrets and uncovering hidden truths, truly fascinated me. 

I imagined all the incredible things I could do with such a power

I never imagined that my quest for the truth about fluoride would lead me to discover that this superpower is not only real…

But also accessible through the pineal gland.

What is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing is a mental skill that allows a person to perceive or describe details about a distant or unseen target

But the interesting part is that they can do it without using the usual five senses. 

It’s like having a mental telescope that lets you peek into the unknown

Think of it as a blend of clairvoyance and scientific exploration

In a way, it’s like being your own psychic spy.

Imagine being able to sit in your living room and describe what’s happening in another city or even another country

Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, right? 

Well, it’s not just fiction.

Remote viewing has been studied and utilized…

Especially during the Cold War

When both the U.S. and the Soviet Union experimented with it for espionage purposes.

Now, I’m not saying you’ll become an international spy…

But the possibilities of remote viewing are intriguing and can be incredibly beneficial in everyday life. 

For me, it’s a way to tap into deeper spiritual insights.

The Pineal Gland and the Third Eye

I know I’ve mentioned the pineal gland and the third eye chakra numerous times…

But for any new subscribers, here’s a quick refresher

The pineal gland, located in the brain…

Is also called the third eye chakra or Ajna in Sanskrit

This tiny gland is believed to be the seat of our intuition and psychic abilities.

The Ajna chakra is symbolized by a circle with two petals and a triangle.

This representation speaks to the unity of science and spirituality

Beautiful, right?

The pineal gland helps regulate sleep, blood pressure, and reproductive hormones

But more fascinatingly…

It’s also believed to be the gateway to higher consciousness and psychic phenomena like remote viewing.

Activating Your Pineal Gland for Remote Viewing

Now, how do you unlock this superpower

It starts with activating your pineal gland

Here are some strategies to help you open your third eye and develop remote viewing abilities.

One of the most effective ways to activate your pineal gland is through meditation

Quiet your mind and focus inward for a few minutes a day.

That way, you can tap into higher states of consciousness

A simple meditation practice of focusing on the space between your eyebrows (the location of the third eye)…

Can help stimulate the pineal gland.

If you want a more advanced technique, I invite you to explore Kundalini Awakening. 

This method awakens the dormant energy at the base of the spine

When this energy rises through the chakras…

It activates the third eye.

The result

A profound spiritual experience and enhanced psychic abilities

Including remote viewing.

Shaktipat, on the other hand…

Is a form of energy transmission from a spiritual teacher to a student

The teacher can awaken the student’s kundalini energy…

Which in turn activates the pineal gland. 

This can be done through touch, gaze, or even intention.

You can also try Pranayam…

Which is a breathing technique where you alternate nostril breathing.

Pranayam can help balance the body’s energies and stimulate the pineal gland. 

Rhythmic and deep breathing can improve oxygen flow to the brain…

Thus, enhancing your ability to reach higher states of consciousness.

Another way to activate your third eye is by practicing visualization.

Imagine a bright light at the center of your forehead, expanding and illuminating your mind. 

This exercise can enhance your intuitive abilities and help you develop remote viewing skills in the long run.

Now, one of my favorite ways of activating my pineal gland is by reciting specific mantras.

One effective mantra is “Om,” which resonates with the frequency of the Ajna chakra

Chanting it during meditation can help activate the third eye chakra.

You should also be aware that certain foods and lifestyle choices can support pineal gland health. 

Eating a diet rich in raw, organic fruits and vegetables…

Avoiding fluoride…

And spending time in natural sunlight can help keep your pineal gland functioning optimally.

When the third eye is activated, you may start experiencing unusual phenomena. 

You might see vivid images, have prophetic dreams

Or gain deep insights into your life and the world around you. 

These experiences are signs that your pineal gland is awakening…

And your remote viewing abilities are developing.

Third-Eye Experiences and Benefits

Once your third eye is open, you’ll notice a range of experiences and benefits

You might start seeing images or symbols in your mind’s eye that provide guidance and insights

Your dreams may become more vivid and meaningful…

Offering clues about your subconscious mind.

You’ll also find that your intuition becomes sharper

You might get strong gut feelings about situations or people…

Helping you make better decisions.

This heightened awareness can improve your relationships, career, and overall quality of life.

Opening your third eye also allows you to tap into higher states of consciousness. 

You’ll gain a deeper understanding of the universe and your place in it. 

This spiritual awakening can bring a profound sense of peace and fulfillment.

How to Practice Remote Viewing?

With your third eye activated…

You can start practicing remote viewing

Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed and begin by meditating to calm your mind.

Once you’re in a relaxed state…

Focus on a specific target you want to view

It could be a place, an object, or even a person.

Imagine your consciousness traveling to that target…

And try to perceive specific details about it. 

Don’t worry if it doesn’t work right away.

Remote viewing takes practice.

Keep a journal to record your experiences and any impressions you receive.

Over time, you’ll notice your skills improving.

Remember, remote viewing is not just about seeing physical places

It’s a method that can help you tap into deeper layers of reality and gain insights that can help you in your daily life. 

Use this skill to explore your own consciousness and understand the world in new and profound ways.

In Closing

Activating your third eye can unlock your innate psychic abilities…

And gain deeper insights into your life and the universe

It’s a journey of self-discovery that can bring profound spiritual and practical benefits.

Remember, the power to see beyond the ordinary is within you. 

Nurture it and let it guide you to new heights of understanding and awareness.

Stay tuned for more insights and techniques in our next newsletter

Eric Thompson

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