Hey there,
Eric Thompson here,
Have you ever pondered on everyday miracles?
And what makes them happen?
Ever thought about how you can enhance the miracles in your life?
Or what the steps are,
To cultivate lasting happiness, success and fulfillment?
I’ve come to realize something important lately,
Something I would love to share with you all.
Every single day.
We are born designed to experience a rich, abundant life…
Full of meaning and beauty.
However, this doesn’t just happen on its own…
We have to give our focus and conscious effort…
To the beauty all around us…
Infusing our everyday lives with a touch of magic…
And deepening our connection to our inner selves.
Being in touch with that deep, sacred part of yourself…
Is truly the only way to understand life and navigate challenges.
Over the years and throughout my own research…
Into all things science and spirituality…
I’ve come to realize that what we think of as miracles,
Are really just the Universe reflecting back to us…
What we have been projecting outwards towards the divine.
Every thought you think,
Every time you feel grateful for things in your life,
Every time you focus your love outwards into the world,
Making sure you also care for your self as sweetly as possible,
You are vibrating on a high frequency…
Telling the Universe that you are a beacon of compassion, joy, and love.
And the Universe responds in a myriad of different ways,
And sometimes these synchronicities and signs seem like little miracles…
Created specifically for us and brought to us from the divine.
It’s not complicated to practice this way of being…
But you do need two things: a clear mind and a clear body.
This involves being as present, connected, and spiritually aware as possible.
Living in the present moment is the best way I know to get there fast.
When you channel your attention on the ‘here and now’…
You intentionally observe the world around you simply as it is…
And discover the quiet power of just existing..
Without wanting or needing anything more than that moment.
Without worrying about tomorrow or the day after,
Simply realizing that now is actually all there is anyway.
This feels like deep, ancient knowledge that your true self recognizes right away.
Being in the moment brings you into a state of calm, appreciation for life fast!
And from that state you can begin to create miracles.
Most of you probably know by now how much I love talking about the pineal gland!
It’s not only such a crucial part of regulating our bodies natural rhythms…
But it is also essential for our spiritual evolution…
With the potential to ground and connect us to Universal consciousness.
Making it essential for us in learning how to be present.
Taking good care of your pineal health,
Is part and parcel of developing your sense of present-moment appreciation,
You need a healthy, active and awake pineal gland,
In order for your life to flow and for miracles to appear.
Think of it like a foundation for everything else to grow from.
You wouldn’t build the walls or roof of a house without first laying the base!
Meditation, meditation, meditation.
Really I can’t emphasize it enough!
Meditation truly is the first step on your path to spiritual awakening,
And living an abundant life bursting with miracles.
The best thing is you can incorporate your pineal gland, or third eye,
By focusing your awareness on that center during your meditation.
A great way to do this is to visualize a purple or indigo light,
Shining in your third eye center and glowing brighter and brighter.
It sounds simple, and it is! But believe me it works.
All it takes is your attention and focus…
Plus regular practice…
And before you know it you’ll be feeling grounded and connected.
Just try it out for ten minutes a day,
Practice bringing your breath to an easy, effortless rhythm,
And then close your eyes and begin visualizing that light at your third eye.
You don’t have to try and do anything else,
In fact it’s best if you can just surrender to the process,
And turn off your thinking mind to just be.
I want folks everywhere to realize that these big, spiritual concepts are not out of reach!
This stuff is not saved for monks on mountaintops,
Or rich gurus on tropical beaches…
You have all that it takes within you now to reach a state of peace and joy.
Try it today, and drop a comment below letting me know how it goes!
In peace and with my attention on the now…
Signing off until next time,
Eric Thompson