The Pineal Gland is Your Inner Light

Hey there,

I’m typing this newsletter from a cozy, if slightly chilly, cabin in the woods.

I’m still recovering from my leg injury (which is fine, don’t worry!).

Which has given me plenty of time to delve further into our favorite subject

The pineal gland.

Considering how much we’ve covered about this fascinating little gland

I thought it was time to explore some new angles.

So let’s dive in.

Revisiting the “Third Eye” - A New Perspective

You already know what the pineal gland is.

Known as the “third eye,” it’s located deep within our brain

Over the past few days, I’ve had ample time to ponder an intriguing question posed by Dr. Ibrahim Karim:

If the pineal gland is shaped like an eye

Why is it hidden inside our brains instead of being positioned to perceive light directly?

The Eye That Sees Beyond

Dr. Karim’s insights sparked a realization about the unique placement of our pineal gland

Traditionally, the eyes are external, so they can receive light directly

But the pineal gland works on a more subtle level

It doesn’t just receive light, it interprets the absence of light.

That’s why it triggers the release of melatonin to regulate our sleep when darkness falls. 

Fascinating, isn’t it? 

But it leads us to an even bigger question

Why do we have this inner eye when we already have two perfectly good outer ones?

Light, Internalized

Here’s where it gets really interesting

When we talk about the relationship between our pineal gland and light…

I’m not just talking about sunlight or lamplight.

I’m talking about the light that is generated within our own bodies.

Yes, you heard right.

We are creators of light

In the philosophy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

The ear is considered to be an inverted fetus. 

Now, according to this tradition

All the points in our ear correspond to every organ in our body.

And the point where we place earrings is known as the point of inner light.

Crystals, Diamonds, and Inner Light

Why did ancient people adorn themselves with jewelry on certain parts of the body…

Before it was considered fashionable

It wasn’t just for decoration.

It was to interact with the forces of nature

Placing crystals or diamonds at the point of inner light in the ear could activate your inner vision

This inner light is generated from your heart (our source of inner fire)…

And travels up to your pineal gland…

Allowing us to see the world as it is…

But through a lens of intuition, beyond the veil of illusion.

The Projector Inside Your Head

When we think about how we perceive the world…

It’s easy to assume that we’re just passive observers…

Taking in the environment as it truly is. 

But let’s challenge that notion with a more dynamic analogy:

That of a film projector

Imagine your brain, particularly your pineal gland, as this projector

What’s fascinating is that this “projector’ isn’t just showing you a direct feed of external reality.


It actively interprets and constructs the reality you experience based on limited sensory inputs.

Consider this:

Our senses are only capable of processing a fraction of the environment around us. 

Scientists estimate that humans can perceive only about 5% of what actually exists. 

The remaining 95% comprises phenomena that either elude our senses naturally…

Or are imperceptible due to their nature. 

This includes various forms of radiation, microorganisms, and the vast majority of the universe itself.

Now, where does the pineal gland come in? 

This tiny gland plays a crucial role in how we perceive reality. 

It doesn’t just passively receive information.

It actively participates in the interpretation and creation of our experiences

By synthesizing melatonin…

It influences our sleep patterns and circadian rhythms…

Which affects how we feel and perceive time. 

But more subtly…

It also acts on our neural circuits to filter and interpret the limited data our senses collect…

Crafting a coherent narrative from the chaotic influx of sensory information.

This realization can redefine our understanding of life. 

We aren’t merely watching a pre-made movie of reality.

We are producing, directing, and starring in our own films. 

Our brains, guided by the pineal gland…

Decide not just what to include in our perception…

But how to interpret and feel about it. 

This insight empowers us to understand that much of what we perceive to be the “real world” is, in fact, a personal construct…

Deeply influenced by the inner workings of our minds.

Activating Your Inner Light

In short, our pineal gland plays an active role in shaping our perception.

This brings us to an important realization

You have the power to influence your own reality by what I like to call…

Activating your inner light.

This inner light isn’t just a metaphor for good vibes or positivity.

It’s a literal concept that reflects your ability to control, change, and enhance your perception of the world.

Activating your inner light means becoming more aware of how your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs shape your perceptions.

It’s about realizing that every moment, every interaction, and every thought…

Is influenced by the light you project from within

If you change the quality or nature of your light

(Through meditation, mindful practices, or positive thinking)

You change the way you perceive and interact with the world.

But how do you actively project this inner light

It starts with intention

Set intentions that align with positivity, health, and growth

In doing so, you influence the subconscious processes of your pineal gland

And encourage it to project a reality that aligns with those intentions

You could benefit from regular meditation to clear your mental clutter...

You can also use affirmations to reinforce new positive patterns

Or engage in creative endeavors that reflect and enhance your desired reality.

In fact…

Your inner light affects not only your perceptions…

But also your interactions with others.

We are responsible for the reality we create and share.

Every smile, every kind word, and every act of kindness are projections of your inner light!

They affect not only your own reality

But also the reality of those around you.

Powerful, huh?

Activating your inner light can help you take control of the projector within you…

Consciously choose which movies to play, how to interpret them…

And understand the profound impact this has on both your life and the lives of those you touch. 

Join the Inner Light Community

Through this fascinating dive into the pineal gland

I invite you to consider how you can nurture and enhance your inner light. 

Maybe it’s through meditation, spending time in nature

Or even exploring how to decorate your own space to resonate with your inner frequency!

I’m looking forward to continuing this journey together.

What a perfect time to explore and unlock the secrets of our powerful pineal gland.

Let those inner lights shine bright!

Warm regards from the Chilean Patagonian,

Eric Thompson

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