The Secret Rituals of the Elite: How They Protect Their Pineal Gland

Hey there

It’s Eric Thompson here.

I never paid much attention to the power dynamics of society. 

I was just going about my daily life…

Unaware of the invisible forces at play. 

But everything changed when I discovered how we were being manipulated with something as “harmless” as fluoride

It was only after years of research and digging into the truth that I realized the sinister agenda behind it all. 

The powers that be…

The elites who pull the strings from behind the curtain…

Have known the truth about fluoride all along. 

Skull Model Diving into the Water

They knew it calcified the pineal gland, our third eye, and dulled our spiritual connection.

But instead of warning the public, they kept this knowledge hidden.

They used it to maintain control over the masses while they safeguarded their own spiritual power.

You see, the pineal gland isn’t just some part of our anatomy

It’s the gateway to our higher consciousness…

The key to unlocking our spiritual potential…

And the bridge to our intuition and psychic abilities

The elites know this. 

They’ve always known it. 

And while they’ve been feeding us a steady diet of fluoride-laced water, toothpaste…

And pharmaceuticals to keep us docile and compliant…

They’ve been secretly engaging in rituals and practices to protect and empower their own pineal glands.

The Secret of the Elite

Black silhouette of businessman in glasses

It’s no accident that the most powerful people in the world seem to have an uncanny ability to stay ahead…

To manifest their desires effortlessly, and to remain spiritually connected…

While the rest of us struggle to even remember our dreams

They’re not just lucky or more intelligent

They’ve been tapping into ancient knowledge and performing secret rituals

That keep their pineal glands pristine and fully operational

And the results speak for themselves.

So, what exactly are these rituals

How do the elite protect and enhance their pineal glands while keeping the rest of us in the dark

Let’s see how you can use these practices to reclaim this power for yourself.

The Rituals of the Elite

One of the most closely guarded secrets of the elite is their use of specific sound frequencies…

To cleanse and activate the pineal gland. 

They understand that everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, including our pineal gland. 

They use binaural beats or Solfeggio frequencies to tune their third eye to the optimal frequency for spiritual awakening and psychic insight. 

These sound frequencies work by resonating with the pineal gland…

Breaking up calcification and restoring its natural function.

Another ritual commonly practiced by the elite involves sun gazing

But not just any sun gazing. 

They gaze at the sun during the first few minutes of sunrise or the last few minutes of sunset

This is when the sun’s rays are most gentle and filled with healing energy. 

Sun gazing at these times directly stimulates the pineal gland…

Charging it with powerful solar energy that enhances its function and boosts overall spiritual awareness

The elite have known for centuries that the sun is a source of divine energy….

That’s why they tap into this ancient practice and keep their pineal glands charged and fully operational.

Herbal remedies also play a crucial role in the elite’s regimen for protecting their pineal glands

Certain herbs like Gotu Kola, Blue Lotus, and Holy Basil are known for their ability to decalcify and activate the pineal gland. 

These herbs have been used in ancient spiritual practices for millennia…

And the elite continue to use them today.

They brew these herbs into teas, create tinctures…

Or even burn them as incense during meditation to amplify their spiritual connection…

And protect their third eye from the calcifying effects of fluoride.

But the rituals of the elite aren’t just focused on what they do. 

They’re acutely aware of the dangers of fluoride and take great care to avoid it in all forms. 

They drink only purified water, free from fluoride and other contaminants. 

They avoid conventional toothpaste and instead use fluoride-free alternatives…

Infused with natural ingredients that support pineal gland health. 

They also steer clear of processed foods…

Many of which are laced with hidden fluoride and other harmful chemicals…

Designed to dull the senses and lower our consciousness.

Reclaiming Your Power

Asian Woman Meditating near the Mandala

Now that you know some of the secrets the elite use to protect their pineal glands…

It’s time for you to take action

You don’t need to be part of the global elite to reclaim your spiritual power. 

All you need is the knowledge and the willingness to implement these practices in your own life.

Before I wrap this up, I’d love to get your thoughts on something. 

I’ve been working hard with my team to bring you information…

But we need your help to make sure our newsletters reach as many people as possible…

And that they end up in your inbox instead of the promotions or spam folder.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the rituals I’ve shared today. 

Have you tried any of them? 

What results have you noticed? 

Hit reply and share your experience with me!

I read every response, and your feedback could be featured in a future newsletter!

Or, if you’re ready to start protecting your pineal gland and reclaiming your spiritual power…

Let me know by replying with “I’m ready.”

Your commitment sends a powerful signal to the Universe that you’re serious about your spiritual journey.

And if this information resonates with you…

Please consider sharing it with others

The more people who know the truth…

The better equipped we all are to take back control from those who’ve kept us in the dark for too long.


Until next time,

Eric Thompson

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