WARNING: If you don’t do this, your third eye WILL remain closed!

Hey there

It’s Eric Thompson here.

I hope you are having a wonderful day so far.

Today, I want to share with you something incredibly special.

It’s about ancient mineral crystals and sacred salt…

And how they relate to our pineal gland

(also known as the third eye)

Grab your favorite beverage, get comfy, and let’s go.

The Secret Power of Salt

You’ve probably heard about Himalayan salt lamps and their health benefits. 

But did you know that salt, particularly certain types of ancient, mineral-rich salt…

Has been revered for thousands of years for its spiritual and physical healing properties? 

That’s right! This isn’t just what you sprinkle on your fries.

Salt has always been a fundamental part of human life

It’s in our blood, our oceans, and even our tears

But beyond its everyday uses, certain salts, like Himalayan salt, have profound spiritual significance. 

These salts carry powerful vibrational energies that can enhance our connection to the divine and even alter our DNA

Intrigued? You should be.

Himalayan Salt

Let’s talk about Himalayan salt first. 

This pink wonder isn’t just a pretty face.

It’s packed with minerals and trace elements that our bodies crave. 

More importantly, it emits a frequency that resonates with our own energetic fields

When used correctly, Himalayan salt can help cleanse and balance our energy…

Making it an excellent tool for spiritual practices and meditation

Place a chunk of this salt near your heart or third eye (where the pineal gland is located)…

And you might just feel an immediate sense of calm and clarity.

Have you ever experienced this kind of calm that connects you to your spiritual self? Share your story with me!

The Power of Sacred Salts

Now, here’s where things get even more fascinating

Throughout history, certain salts have been used not just for their physical benefits…

But for their spiritual protection and power

These were referred to as “sacred salts” or “spiritual salts.” 

They were used in rituals, as talismans, and even in constructing sacred spaces.

One of the most exciting aspects of these ancient salts is their purported ability to affect our pineal gland

Yes, the same gland that fluoride is busy calcifying.

The pineal gland, also called the third eye, is the seat of our intuition and psychic abilities

When it’s functioning properly…

It helps regulate our sleep, hormones, and our overall well-being.

But when our pineal gland is calcified, it can’t function as it should…

Leaving us feeling disconnected and out of sync

This is where the ancient wisdom of sacred salts comes into play. 

These salts can help decalcify and activate the pineal gland…

Opening up a world of spiritual insight and heightened awareness.

You can wear a small pouch of this sacred salt around your neck, close to your heart. 

The salt’s vibrations will start resonating with your energy…

And you might start to notice subtle shifts in your perception

Colors may seem brighter, your intuition sharper…

And your dreams more vivid

You could even experience moments of profound clarity and peace…

As if a subtle fog has lifted from your mind.

There’s a reason why Buddhist monks and other spiritual practitioners have used these salts for centuries.

They understood that these natural elements could help align their energy and enhance their spiritual practices

Today, we have the opportunity to rediscover and harness this ancient wisdom.

Practical Benefits of Wearing Salt

But it’s not just about spiritual practices. These sacred salts can also offer practical benefits. 

For instance, they can help balance your body’s pH levels, improve digestion…

And keep your skin healthy

And let’s not forget their ability to purify the air and neutralize electromagnetic radiation

Talk about a multi-tasker!

One of my favorite stories about the power of salt comes from a friend of mine. 

He was going through a rough patch:

Work was stressful, his relationships were strained, and he just couldn’t seem to find his footing

I gave him a small pouch of sacred salt and told him to keep it close.

Within a few days, he called me, almost in disbelief.

He felt more centered and at peace than he had in years.

That, my friends, is the power of salt.

In addition to Himalayan salt, there are other ancient mineral crystals that carry similar vibrational frequencies

For example, black salt, used in protection rituals, and Celtic sea salt, known for its detoxifying properties. 

These salts can be used in various ways:

Sprinkled in bathwater, placed under your pillow, or even used in cooking to infuse your food with positive energy.

Wrapping Up

The beauty of these ancient salts and mineral crystals is that they connect us to the Earth’s energy in an intimate way. 

They remind us of our roots and help us stay grounded while exploring the higher realms of consciousness

When used with intention, they can be powerful allies on our spiritual journey.

I hope you find these tips valuable. Let me know by replying to me.

So, if you’re feeling out of balance, struggling with sleep, or just looking to deepen your spiritual practice…

Consider incorporating these ancient salts and crystals into your daily routine. 

You can wear them as a talisman, meditate with them, or simply keep them close.

I truly believe that they can give you the support and clarity you’ve been seeking.

What do you think of the power of salt

Hit reply to share your thoughts.

Until next time,

Eric Thompson

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