What They Didn’t Want You to Know About Fluoride

Hey there,

I’ve warned you time and time again about the potential dangers of fluoride in our water supply

But what you may not know is just how hard some forces have worked to suppress these findings. 

Yes, it’s like something out of a dystopian novel, but this is our reality.

Let’s start with the facts.

In a remarkable 6-year effort, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted a thorough review of fluoride’s impact on our health…

Specifically on brain development

Their goal was to shed light on whether fluoride exposure

Particularly during pregnancy and early life

Can lower IQ levels in children.

Sounds like a noble endeavor, right? 

Well, here’s where things take a dark turn

The final report of this comprehensive review was mysteriously blocked from public release…

No more and no less than by the Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Administrator back in May 2022. 

Why, you ask? 

That’s a question that should make anyone concerned.

The Fluoride Action Network's Fight for Truth

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) wasn’t willing to let the truth remain buried

Through an ongoing lawsuit against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

They managed to secure the release of the report.

Inside that report are comments from external peer-reviewers and internal HHS departments, along with NTP’s responses. 

What’s most alarming is that the NTP’s conclusion reaffirmed and strengthened the findings of two earlier drafts released in 2019 and 2020. 

External peer-reviewers unanimously agreed that prenatal and early-life fluoride exposures can indeed reduce IQ

Perhaps one of the most startling revelations is that it couldn’t detect any safe exposure level

Even at levels commonly found in artificially fluoridated water.

This means that what we’ve been led to believe about “safe” levels of fluoride might not be safe at all.

Behind Closed Doors: Efforts to Suppress the Truth

Now, things take an even more sinister turn

Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose a shocking truth

Government agencies that promote water fluoridation, hand in hand with dental interests, attempted to weaken the report’s findings.

When the NTP refused to back down…

These agencies went to great lengths to prevent the report’s release.

Let that sink in for a moment. 

The very institutions we trust to protect our health might have been actively working against us

Trying to keep crucial information hidden.

This isn’t just your run-of-the-mill cover-up

It’s exceedingly rare for an NTP report to be blocked from public release

But FAN’s persistence in their lawsuit against the EPA ultimately forced the release of the NTP report.

Debunking False Claims

In the midst of this battle for truth, fluoridation defenders attempted to undermine the report’s credibility

They did so by falsely claiming that draft versions had been “rejected” by a National Academies committee. 

Let me set the record straight

The committee merely recommended that the NTP clarify their methods and reasoning…

Given the contentious nature of the issue. 

The NTP took these recommendations seriously and addressed them in the report that was finally released.

The Weight of Scientific Evidence

With the release of this groundbreaking report, there’s now little room for doubt

A substantial body of scientific evidence supports the conclusion that fluoride can indeed lower a child’s IQ

Even at exposure levels common from fluoridated water

It’s a sobering reality that we can’t afford to ignore.

The implications of these findings are profound…

Especially for dental interests that have long championed water fluoridation as a safe and effective practice.

It’s time for them to reevaluate their stance and take into account the mounting evidence suggesting a risk to children’s IQ.

Join the Movement

So, where do we go from here? 

It’s clear that the battle for truth is ongoing, but we must not waver

Knowledge is power.

And it’s up to each one of us to stay informed and advocate for the well-being of ourselves, our families, and our communities.

I’ve spent years researching and sharing information about the potential dangers of fluoride

And I’m not about to stop now.

I invite you to join the movement for a healthier, fluoride-aware world.

The Pineal Gland

We’ve already touched on how fluoride has been linked to a potential drop in IQ…

But the story goes even deeper than that.

Enter the pineal gland, often referred to as our “third eye.” 

This tiny, mysterious gland in the center of our brain plays a role in more aspects of our health and consciousness than you might imagine.

It’s not just about IQ.

It’s about our spiritual essence, our connection to the universe, and our intuition.

Fluoride has the nasty ability to calcify the pineal gland

Essentially clogging it up with phosphate crystals

This interference disrupts the gland’s ability to produce melatonin, regulate our sleep, and maintain the flexibility of our arteries. 

But it doesn’t stop there.

When the pineal gland can’t function properly…

It dims our spiritual awareness and intuition…

Cutting us off from our innate connection to our higher self.

Reclaim Your Health and Wisdom

My mission is clear: 

To help as many people as possible regain their health and rediscover the power of their pineal gland.

We should be using it to see with our third eye into the spiritual realm and connect with the Divine.

Stay Tuned

I’ll be sending you more information and insights in the coming weeks…

So be sure to keep an eye on your inbox

Knowledge is the key to empowerment…

And together, we can reclaim our health, our wisdom, and our spiritual connection.

Thank you for being a part of this important conversation.

Warm regards,

Eric Thompson

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