You Need to Protect Yourself from Psychic Attacks

Hey everyone,

It’s Eric Thompson here. 

I hope this message finds you well

I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather these days…

It all happened after attending a large social event.

I’m not a fan of hustle and bustle lately…

Especially since I started working on my spiritual journey.

This event was one of those big gatherings where the energy in the room was almost palpable

I’ve worked extensively on my inner self and my consciousness…

So I’ve become more sensitive to the energies around me.

It got me thinking about how important psychic protection is…

Especially for those of us who are spiritually sensitive.

If you’ve been following my journey…

You know how passionate I am about the pineal gland

And its role in our spiritual and physical well-being.


I want to talk about how a healthy pineal gland can enhance your ability to shield against negative energies…

And share some practical techniques for psychic protection.

Let’s dive in

The Pineal Gland: Your Spiritual Antenna

The pineal gland, referred to as the third eye…

Is a small endocrine gland in the brain that plays a significant role in regulating sleep patterns…

Hormonal balance, and spiritual awareness

When your pineal gland is healthy and active…

It helps you connect more deeply with your intuition and the spiritual realm. 

But did you know that it also helps you protect your psychic energies?

Just as your physical body has an immune system to protect against harmful pathogens…

Your energetic body has mechanisms to protect against negative energies. 

The pineal gland enhances your ability to sense and deflect negative influences

When it is decalcified and functioning optimally…

You are more attuned to subtle energies

And can better shield yourself from psychic attacks and negative vibrations.

My Recent Experience

After the social event, I felt drained and uneasy

It wasn’t until I spent some quiet time meditating…

That I realized I had absorbed a lot of negative energy from the crowd. 

This made me realize how important it is to maintain strong psychic defenses…

Especially when we’re exposed to all kinds of subtle energies.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or drained after being in a crowded place or around certain people? 

If so, it’s a sign that your energetic boundaries need reinforcing.

A healthy pineal gland can help you recognize these energies and protect yourself effectively.

Practical Tips for Psychic Protection

Here are some techniques I’ve found helpful in maintaining psychic protection…

And keeping my pineal gland healthy:

Meditation and Visualization

Spend a few minutes each day meditating and visualizing a protective shield around you. 

Imagine a bright, white light enveloping your body…

Forming an impenetrable barrier against negative energies.

This practice not only strengthens your psychic defenses…

But also nourishes your pineal gland.

Crystals and Stones

Certain crystals, like amethyst and black tourmaline…

Are known for their protective properties

Keep these stones close to you…

Like in your pocket, on your desk, or as jewelry

They can help absorb and deflect negative energies.

Grounding Exercises

Grounding yourself is essential for maintaining a balanced energy field. 

Spend time in nature, walk barefoot on the grass…

Or practice grounding techniques such as visualizing roots growing from your feet into the earth.

This helps release any negative energy you’ve absorbed and strengthens your connection to the earth.

Regular Detoxification

Detoxifying your body can significantly impact your pineal gland’s health

Avoid fluoride, which calcifies the pineal gland

Drink plenty of purified water, eat a clean diet rich in fruits and vegetables…

And consider supplements like iodine and boron to support detoxification.

Affirmations and Intentions

Positive affirmations can reinforce your psychic protection

Repeat phrases like, “I am protected by divine light” or “I am surrounded by positive energy.

Setting strong intentions helps create a powerful energetic barrier.

What Do You Think?

I hope you find these tips valuable

Let me know by hitting the reply button

Have you ever felt the need for psychic protection

How do you shield yourself from negative energies? 

Share your thoughts with me.

I would love to hear your experiences.

Also, let’s take a moment to affirm our intentions

Reply with “I am protected” to declare your commitment to maintaining a healthy pineal gland…

And strong psychic defenses.

Stay Tuned for More

In my next newsletter…

I’ll dive deeper into specific tips and practices that can help you keep your pineal gland active.

If you have any questions or topics you’d like me to cover…

Feel free to let me know.

Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me.

And before I wrap up…

I have a small request

What is one thing you’re grateful for today? 

Hit the reply button and share your thoughts.

After all…

Gratitude is a powerful tool for maintaining a high vibration and protecting your energy field.

Final Thoughts

Your pineal gland is a precious gift that connects you to the spiritual realm…

And protects you from negative influences

Take these steps to keep it healthy and active…

And you will empower yourself to navigate life with clarity, intuition…

And strength.

Stay safe and keep shining your light…

No matter how crowded or charged the environment.

See you next time,

Eric Thompson

P.S. Have you ever had an “ahamoment that connected you more deeply to your spiritual journey?

Reply with your story, and I might feature it in my next newsletter!

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